Running - Runthrough Hyde Park 5K

Good morning everyone!
I haven't posted about any running events in a while, but that doesn't mean that I haven't done any! In fact, I've done quite a few :) I wanted to have like a 'running week' with all my running posts back to back, which was actually supposed to start this weekend so I'm a little bit behind. No matter, we'll just start today :)

I ran this 5K in Hyde Park on 17 May. A friend of mine was visiting London and she had booked a flight home at 7am on Sunday morning, which meant having either getting up super early, or going to bed really late. I chose the latter so was in bed at around 2am I think. With a run looming at 9am the next day, that is quite late let me tell you.

I went anyway, and just look at the lovely weather we had :) It was the first run in the sun of the year!

It was REALLY sunny! I kept my jacket as it was still a bit windy, but just not having any rain was so nice!

The run went through Hyde Park (as the name already tells you), and you could either do one loop for 5K or two loops for 10K.

I was checking to see if I would be able to run a 10K race the week after, so I only did one loop as I didn't want to overdo it and ruin my chances for the next race. 

Obligatory mid-run selfie, I was SO enjoying running in the sun! :)

We passed the lake, it was a gorgeous view. Imagine being there on Sunday morning, it's really quiet then. Except for the occasional early-bird (see photo) it's virtually empty. That and us crazy runners hihi... The picture is a bit wobbly, I was running after all!

I crossed the finish line in just over 30mins, I was gutted! I really wanted to finish is under 30mins, but there was a tiny incline in the road just before the finish and I just hit that mental wall. Oops... I sure had fun though and am so happy I went to this! I managed to get a good time on hardly any sleep so I was impressed with that.
The official finishing time: 00:30:29.

Check out the tube station on the way back, it was a ghost town! Very freaky... 

The rest of the day was just like any other normal Sunday, I think I even made it to yoga! I had survived the run without injuries so I was ready for the next one. It was going to be a great one, so more on that later! 


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